大概是因为论坛一个毕业去阿里的师兄就这么扫到了一个某品牌摄像头web管理界面。接着,对于我,YD的几周便开始了。各种扫描内网啊,No zuo no die啊= =,然后找到了一大堆开放到内网的摄像头、弱口令ssh、匿名ftp、嵌入式板甚至还有ip电话……独留我风中凌乱。
我准备把常见的东西都研究一圈= =
nmap是一个专业的网络探索和安全审计开源工具。尽管它可以针对主机,却被设计来快速扫描大规模网络。nmap使用IP报文来决定网络上的主机是否可达,主机上哪些服务开放(应用程序名和版本),它们运行着什么样的操作系统,包过滤器和防火墙的情况和许多其它特征。尽管nmap广泛用于安全审计。许多系统和网络管理员在实行日常工作比如网络发现、管理服务升级安排,监控主机或服务启动时间 时都很好用。
- nmap的输出是一列被扫描的目标,和有关参数指定的补充信息。常见的比如说端口信息表:
⮀ sudo nmap
Starting Nmap 6.25 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2014-04-18 21:44 CST Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.054s latency). Not shown: 996 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 21/tcp ssh closed 23/tcp open telnet 50389/tcp filtered unknown MAC Address: 3C:E5:A6:D2:39:AD (Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co.)
- (no term)
- =open=意味着服务在启动并监听着。比如TCP的三次握手成功建立。
- (no term)
- =closed=表示该端口上服务关闭。比如收到了目标主机返回的RST.
- (no term)
- =filtered=意味着有防火墙,过滤器等其它障碍阻塞了端口,以致于nmap不知道端口是=open=还是=closed=。出现这种情况是发出去的探测包没了响应。
~ ⮀ sudo nmap -sV Starting Nmap 6.25 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2014-04-18 22:03 CST Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.045s latency). Not shown: 996 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 23/tcp open telnet H3C switch telnetd MAC Address: 3C:E5:A6:D2:39:AD (Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co.) Service Info: Device: switch Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at http://nmap.org/submit/ . Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2.88 seconds
~ ⮀ sudo nmap -sO Starting Nmap 6.25 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2014-04-18 22:02 CST Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.010s latency). Not shown: 252 open|filtered protocols PROTOCOL STATE SERVICE 1 open icmp 6 open tcp 17 open udp 132 closed sctp MAC Address: 3C:E5:A6:D2:39:AD (Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co.)
更多参照Nmap Guide
~ ⮀ nmap --help Nmap 6.25 ( http://nmap.org ) Usage: nmap [Scan Type(s)] [Options] {target specification} TARGET SPECIFICATION: Can pass hostnames, IP addresses, networks, etc. Ex: scanme.nmap.org, microsoft.com/24,; 10.0.0-255.1-254 -iL <inputfilename>: Input from list of hosts/networks -iR <num hosts>: Choose random targets --exclude <host1[,host2][,host3],...>: Exclude hosts/networks --excludefile <exclude_file>: Exclude list from file HOST DISCOVERY: -sL: List Scan - simply list targets to scan -sn: Ping Scan - disable port scan -Pn: Treat all hosts as online -- skip host discovery -PS/PA/PU/PY[portlist]: TCP SYN/ACK, UDP or SCTP discovery to given ports -PE/PP/PM: ICMP echo, timestamp, and netmask request discovery probes -PO[protocol list]: IP Protocol Ping -n/-R: Never do DNS resolution/Always resolve [default: sometimes] --dns-servers <serv1[,serv2],...>: Specify custom DNS servers --system-dns: Use OS's DNS resolver --traceroute: Trace hop path to each host SCAN TECHNIQUES: -sS/sT/sA/sW/sM: TCP SYN/Connect()/ACK/Window/Maimon scans -sU: UDP Scan -sN/sF/sX: TCP Null, FIN, and Xmas scans --scanflags <flags>: Customize TCP scan flags -sI <zombie host[:probeport]>: Idle scan -sY/sZ: SCTP INIT/COOKIE-ECHO scans -sO: IP protocol scan -b <FTP relay host>: FTP bounce scan PORT SPECIFICATION AND SCAN ORDER: -p <port ranges>: Only scan specified ports Ex: -p22; -p1-65535; -p U:53,111,137,T:21-25,80,139,8080,S:9 -F: Fast mode - Scan fewer ports than the default scan -r: Scan ports consecutively - don't randomize --top-ports <number>: Scan <number> most common ports --port-ratio <ratio>: Scan ports more common than <ratio> SERVICE/VERSION DETECTION: -sV: Probe open ports to determine service/version info --version-intensity <level>: Set from 0 (light) to 9 (try all probes) --version-light: Limit to most likely probes (intensity 2) --version-all: Try every single probe (intensity 9) --version-trace: Show detailed version scan activity (for debugging) SCRIPT SCAN: -sC: equivalent to --script=default --script=<Lua scripts>: <Lua scripts> is a comma separated list of directories, script-files or script-categories --script-args=<n1=v1,[n2=v2,...]>: provide arguments to scripts --script-args-file=filename: provide NSE script args in a file --script-trace: Show all data sent and received --script-updatedb: Update the script database. --script-help=<Lua scripts>: Show help about scripts. <Lua scripts> is a comma separted list of script-files or script-categories. OS DETECTION: -O: Enable OS detection --osscan-limit: Limit OS detection to promising targets --osscan-guess: Guess OS more aggressively TIMING AND PERFORMANCE: Options which take <time> are in seconds, or append 'ms' (milliseconds), 's' (seconds), 'm' (minutes), or 'h' (hours) to the value (e.g. 30m). -T<0-5>: Set timing template (higher is faster) --min-hostgroup/max-hostgroup <size>: Parallel host scan group sizes --min-parallelism/max-parallelism <numprobes>: Probe parallelization --min-rtt-timeout/max-rtt-timeout/initial-rtt-timeout <time>: Specifies probe round trip time. --max-retries <tries>: Caps number of port scan probe retransmissions. --host-timeout <time>: Give up on target after this long --scan-delay/--max-scan-delay <time>: Adjust delay between probes --min-rate <number>: Send packets no slower than <number> per second --max-rate <number>: Send packets no faster than <number> per second FIREWALL/IDS EVASION AND SPOOFING: -f; --mtu <val>: fragment packets (optionally w/given MTU) -D <decoy1,decoy2[,ME],...>: Cloak a scan with decoys -S <IP_Address>: Spoof source address -e <iface>: Use specified interface -g/--source-port <portnum>: Use given port number --data-length <num>: Append random data to sent packets --ip-options <options>: Send packets with specified ip options --ttl <val>: Set IP time-to-live field --spoof-mac <mac address/prefix/vendor name>: Spoof your MAC address --badsum: Send packets with a bogus TCP/UDP/SCTP checksum OUTPUT: -oN/-oX/-oS/-oG <file>: Output scan in normal, XML, s|<rIpt kIddi3, and Grepable format, respectively, to the given filename. -oA <basename>: Output in the three major formats at once -v: Increase verbosity level (use -vv or more for greater effect) -d: Increase debugging level (use -dd or more for greater effect) --reason: Display the reason a port is in a particular state --open: Only show open (or possibly open) ports --packet-trace: Show all packets sent and received --iflist: Print host interfaces and routes (for debugging) --log-errors: Log errors/warnings to the normal-format output file --append-output: Append to rather than clobber specified output files --resume <filename>: Resume an aborted scan --stylesheet <path/URL>: XSL stylesheet to transform XML output to HTML --webxml: Reference stylesheet from Nmap.Org for more portable XML --no-stylesheet: Prevent associating of XSL stylesheet w/XML output MISC: -6: Enable IPv6 scanning -A: Enable OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute --datadir <dirname>: Specify custom Nmap data file location --send-eth/--send-ip: Send using raw ethernet frames or IP packets --privileged: Assume that the user is fully privileged --unprivileged: Assume the user lacks raw socket privileges -V: Print version number -h: Print this help summary page. EXAMPLES: nmap -v -A scanme.nmap.org nmap -v -sn nmap -v -iR 10000 -Pn -p 80 SEE THE MAN PAGE (http://nmap.org/book/man.html) FOR MORE OPTIONS AND EXAMPLES
详细用法见:Zmap Documentation
~/ ⮀ masscan --help MASSCAN is a fast port scanner. The primary input parameters are the IP addresses/ranges you want to scan, and the port numbers. An example is the following, which scans the 10.x.x.x network for web servers: masscan -p80 The program auto-detects network interface/adapter settings. If this fails, you'll have to set these manually. The following is an example of all the parameters that are needed: --adapter-ip --adapter-mac 00-11-22-33-44-55 --router-mac 66-55-44-33-22-11 Parameters can be set either via the command-line or config-file. The names are the same for both. Thus, the above adapter settings would appear as follows in a configuration file: adapter-ip = adapter-mac = 00-11-22-33-44-55 router-mac = 66-55-44-33-22-11 All single-dash parameters have a spelled out double-dash equivalent, so '-p80' is the same as '--ports 80' (or 'ports = 80' in config file). To use the config file, type: masscan -c <filename> To generate a config-file from the current settings, use the --echo option. This stops the program from actually running, and just echoes the current configuration instead. This is a useful way to generate your first config file, or see a list of parameters you didn't know about. I suggest you try it now: masscan -p1234 --echo
Masscan github页面 Masscan: the entire Internet in 3 minutes